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How do you attract potential clients?

How do you attract potential clients?

What strategies are you using to market your small business? If you’re like me, you’re so busy that it’s one of those TO DO items on your list that gets bumped more often than you’d like. I came across a post recently that offered what they felt were the 13 Best...
Why I didn’t click DELETE

Why I didn’t click DELETE

I just opened an email from Hootsuite. Even on my desktop I couldn’t read the whole subject line. But, what I saw was: Save the Date: Connect via… and then below the description, This is going to be amazing… I didn’t click DELETE. In fact I opened the email to...
Avoid the ‘blah, blah, blah’ trap

Avoid the ‘blah, blah, blah’ trap

What is the ‘blah, blah, blah’ trap? It is a trap I believe every business falls into when marketing, including mine. We tell prospects what we feel they ‘need to know’ instead of what will interest them. Our knowledge and enthusiasm regarding the value and benefits...