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Like many of us, I imagine, I am a pilgrim on the journey.

After 30+ years working in corporate America, I answered a call from God to leave my job and get to know Him more deeply. My call came to me in a dream but this change in my life did not happen overnight. For about nine months, I dug in my heels and continued to drive my own agenda. I was determined to figure out how to answer God’s call and still keep my job and the financial security it provided.

I smile now at my determination to be in control. I had said the words, “I trust God” often in my life. During those months of turmoil, I had to face the reality that I didn’t completely believe them in my heart. Finally, when I had reached the point where I could no longer ignore God’s call, I said yes. And in that moment, I felt incredibly peace. I was no longer concerned about financial security. Although I came to the realization kicking and screaming, I was beginning to trust in God’s promises.

Chosen by God to serve in the ministry of spiritual direction, I am grateful to be an Associate Spiritual Director affiliated with the West Virginia Institute of Spirituality and Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. I offer individual and group spiritual direction,  individual-directed Ignatian retreats, and the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life (19th Annotation), as well as workshops and programs that focus on growing in awareness and the healing of wounds that can negatively impact daily life. These programs include work with the Enneagram, Dreamwork, understanding and achieving Emotional Sobriety, and incorporating the work of Ira Progoff in writing your Spiritual Autobiography. At this time, she is currently offering sessions via Zoom.

I have been a member of the St. Mary Magdalene Chapter of Lay Dominicans since 2006 and made Permanent Profession to the Dominican Order as a layperson in 2014. Since that time I have served as President and Secretary of this Chapter which consists of men and women who are single or married and are passionate about studying scripture, engaging in contemplative prayer, and sharing the fruits of our contemplation with others.