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My dream is to…

My dream is to…

But what if you don’t have a dream? Or think you don’t. I spoke with Stacy last week. She is reading my book, Say Yes 2 Your Life: Journey to Celebrate Your “is-ness.” She shared with me that when she came to the reflection question, “What’s your dream? Is...
Are you ready for a mind shift?

Are you ready for a mind shift?

At the foundation of living a more authentic life, a live of tremendous positive energy, is the willingness to change the thought patterns you’ve used most of your life. Like any habit this can be challenging but it can be done. You’ve heard people talk about stepping...
Are you on the right train?

Are you on the right train?

Are you heading down the right path to achieve your vision? I heard a speaker yesterday share insights from the book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be. Having headed down my share of wrong paths, I wanted to learn more....
Love yourself. You’re worth it.

Love yourself. You’re worth it.

Can you do me a favor? Please stop using the words, “All I do is…” Words hold tremendous power. And those four words can lead you to believe that your unique gifts, your very “is-ness” is lacking in some way. Let me share a story with you about Karen. Karen is a...
Help Wanted

Help Wanted

I got the idea for this post after reading our church bulletin last week. The ministry called Feed the Need was looking for additional volunteers. This ministry prepares meals for families who need a little help with cooking. In their request for volunteers, they...