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With power comes responsibility

With power comes responsibility

To listen. I was in a minor accident recently. Nobody was hurt. But the experience I had dealing with the police officer and my subsequent anger caught me off guard. When I told the officer what had happened, he said, “That is not possible. That could not have...
Is it time for a U-Turn?

Is it time for a U-Turn?

I’m an achiever. On the Strengthsfinder test, Achiever is my #1 strength. It is certainly the way I’ve defined myself for as long as I can remember. I push myself, set goals, plan strategies, and then put my shoulder to the wheel and achieve. Can you relate? This past...
Thieves of time

Thieves of time

What were you doing the last time you gave away hours of your life? I’m not talking about the business meeting where Tom spent 45 minutes rehashing reasons he disagreed with a decision the team had already made. Whose turn was it to bring the hook anyway? I’m talking...
Are you living the life you want?

Are you living the life you want?

The life you want begins the moment you embrace the life you have because all of it is a miracle. (Rob Bell) This statement has not always felt true to me. However, as much as I don’t like some lessons I’ve been called to learn in my life, if I am honest I know that...