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At the foundation of living a more authentic life, a live of tremendous positive energy, is the willingness to change the thought patterns you’ve used most of your life. Like any habit this can be challenging but it can be done.

You’ve heard people talk about stepping outside their “comfort zone.” You’ve probably said this yourself about something you’ve done. We all step outside our comfort zones at different times throughout our lives. I still marvel at my sister who quit her job, sold her house, and moved from Raleigh to Atlanta to take a job she felt would be a good opportunity for her. She only knew one person in Atlanta. Incredible. I’m not sure I could have taken that step.

Shifting your thought patterns makes stepping outside your comfort zone to take advantage of an opportunity or experience something new easier. Here are four tips to change the thought patterns that may be holding you back.

Let go of comparisons. Comparisons are not useful and they’re pointless. We each have gifts and strengths that are ours alone. I tell people that as you embrace your gifts, it is a small step to say, “Mary does XYZ differently than I, but people need to hear my voice too.”  Being comfortable with yourself and your gifts allows your voice, your passion, and your message to come through loud and clear.

Let go of the need to “get it right” every time. This was a big one for me. I often built walls around my comfort zone. I wanted to stay well within what I knew I could do well to avoid making a mistake. I feared being critiqued or feeling foolish. News flash. You will not get everything exactly right every time. You may already know this. I took a while to figure it out. Understanding this has helped me to stretch my comfort zone and take chances. Instead of fearing failure, I look at setbacks and ask myself what I’ve learned. I’m now able to use this information to move forward and it usually means I expand my comfort zone even further.

Expect backsliding. Changing our thought patterns is a process. If you think about your thoughts as messages to your brain traveling down a well-worn path like the water flowing through the Grand Canyon, it is easier to appreciate that taking a new path can take a little work. You’re creating a new path for your thoughts to flow down. So when you try something new, don’t be surprised if the voice of doubt screams out “turn around” or “slow down.” This is natural. You may even follow that voice. For a little while. However, what I’ve found is that once you have experienced the energy of your new adventure, you will go back to it. And you will create a new path eventually just as well-worn as the original.

Expect discomfort. You are trying to change and do something new. If you anticipate doubts and discomfort you won’t as easily give in to your inner, usually loud, voice that says, “Hold on. What are you doing here?” When this happens, take time to sit quietly and maybe journal your thoughts. Capture all the positive energy you have felt with the change you have made. Write down the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Imagine where you were and where you are today. However far you have stretched outside your comfort zone, feel the power of what you have done.

What mind shift would you like to take today? I encourage you to start taking steps in that direction.

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“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  So, if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in our life is a beginning, not an ending.”  Neale Donald Walsch.