Say Yes 2 Your Life
We are all on our own individual journey to seek God in our lives. But as in the early followers of Christ, we need a community to journey with us. Are you seeking greater peace in your life? Please join the Say Yes 2 Your Life (SY2YL) community live or online as we all learn to love the life we’ve been given, the life that is gift.

Are you saying Yes to your life?
Saying yes to your life is about seeing yourself as God sees you. Each one of us has been given unique gifts, passions, and strengths that allow us to live a life that is joyful. A life the celebrates your “is-ness” and recognizes there is only one you and only you can bring your unique message to the world the way you do. Saying yes is about being authentic. For some, saying yes involves a mindshift letting go of comparisons. For everyone, saying yes is a gift that you give yourself and the world around you.
Saying yes is about honoring who you are at the very depths of your being. The person God “knit together in your mother’s womb.” The person you were before you were a friend, spouse, or parent. Embracing your true self lets you quiet the voice that tells you “you can’t do it” or “someone else will do it better” and give expression to the voice that is authentically you.
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